Home Equity Loans
Finish your attic or furnish the downstairs. Take the plunge into a new backyard pool or new business venture. A Scient FCU Home Equity Loan* can help you build, buy or do almost anything. With competitive rates and easy-to-budget fixed monthly payments, it's the smart way to make good things happen.
- Minimum loan amount of $10,000
- Up to 100% total loan-to-value
- Receive the full loan amount upfront
- Fixed monthly payments for the life of the loan
- Variety of repayment terms available
- No pre-payment penalty
- No closing costs1
Scient FCU is a full-service credit union with branches in Groton, New London and New Haven Connecticut.
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*See credit union for further details. This credit union is federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration and is an Equal Housing Lender.
1 Fees and charges may apply